
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

27 dresses (around the world and back again)

I have been slowly building up my collection of dresses over the last few months. I'm proud of the cute stuff I have found, most of it on sale or clearance. By July, I had pretty much given up on pants altogether.
However, I may have developed too much pride in this part of my closet. And a few weeks ago, it came back to bite me. Here's the story (in present tense).


I move home from Provo in the middle of August. I unpack everything so we can take my car on our backpacking trip to Wyoming.
We come back from hiking. I repack my life into that car. Drive across the country. Unpack car. Find a place for everything in my new room.
I left EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE DRESSES AND SKIRTS. All. They all were left hanging in Porter's closet at home, so I ended up on the other side of the US with jeans to wear on the first day of my internship.

My parents stuffed them all into a box and shipped them to me (I cringe to think how much it cost...). It was a joyous reunion when that box showed up on my doorstep yesterday.

First world problem, yes, but ironic and worth chronicling nonetheless. I spent so much energy and money in making that part of my closet something to be proud of, and then I just left it all.


  1. Dresses and skirts are an addiction for me. I am in love with them. I have at least thirty, if not more. They are simply the best thing to wear.

  2. I can't even imagine the heart sinking feeling you must have had!

  3. it's awesome that you are reunited with your closet! leaving anything behind is difficult in general, i think.
