
Thursday, August 2, 2012

The hair dilemma.

I have been thinking a lot today. Perhaps a bit too much. My life is about to take a drastic turn. At this time next week I will be graduating from college. This begs a lot of questions. Perhaps one.

What is next?

School is all I have known for the last 22 years. Change is coming. My senior year of high school I felt this way. I couldn't cope. So I cut off all of my hair. I think it made me feel in control of at least one thing in my life. And now I want to do it again. My hair is thin and brittle. I have dreams of growing out my locks long and luscious, but that dream never exactly comes to fruition. 

We always long for what we don't have. Short or not? That is the question. 


  1. Don't do it! Actually, I have NO reason to say that except that I always want someone waiting in the wings to tell me not to cut my hair, even if I know I'm gonna do it anyway. Since this doesn't really seem to be about hair though, good luck with forthcoming life changes. I have a feeling you are going to rock them.

  2. i chopped my hair off during my sophomore year of college after a terrible break-up...and i regretted it. it just didn't look right on me. go for it, though, if that's what you like! xx

  3. It's definitely nice to feel like you are in control of something! I say wait a couple days, and if you are still tempted -- go for it!

  4. no don't. You'll regret it. Dye it, put a streak in, do something that's easily changable...cutting your hair is permanent for a while.

  5. Better yet go get a cute outfit :) that lasts and you won't regret it.

  6. I would say don't cut it because I wish someone would have told me not to when I cut mine. I'm trying to grow it out now and it is a long process. I also think you should do whatever you want to do. Whatever makes you happy.

  7. i did it ... and you know how long mine was! i think i'm going to do it again before my last semester. together?!

  8. I'm sure you could rock the short hair, but don't do it unless you're 100% sure that that's what you want! I liked mine for about a week after I cut it... then I wanted it back so badly!!!

  9. Cut it! hair grows, and short hair would be darling on you.
