
Friday, August 17, 2012

Guest Blogger: Dashboard Diary

I'm Emily over at Dashboard Diary!
I first started blogging during my first year of Physician Assistant school.
My fiancé and I (plus our best friend) decided to take a little three week road trip across the country.
We had tons of grand plans, but everything kind of exploded (literally) within the first 24 hours of our trip, which taught us a great little life lesson in planning ahead: it's useless.
Since that adventure, blogging has become quite addicting (and somehow my fiancé and I often find ourselves in many ridiculous blog-worthy predicaments) so I decided to keep it up!

Here's a little brief overview of the adventure that started it all:

Within 30 minutes of reaching Havasupai Falls (top of our bucket list) in the Grand Canyon (after driving for 24 hours straight) we hit an elk and totaled Josh's car.
Airbags deployed, shattered, windshield, and Elk guts all along the side of the car.

We drove 2 hours (with a deployed airbag and shattered windshield, which I think is pretty illegal) in order to drop our car off and get a rental.
Even though we had to completely re-route our plans, we weren't gonna let this freak incident get us down!

See more after the Jump!

Our first stop: Vegas to win back some money.
Which was successful.
Sort of.

Then we ended up getting to see Fleet Foxes perform in Los Angeles.
Oh yea and we snuck in to TOMS Headquarters.
Well it wasn't hard, we just kinda drove up and walked in.
We met up with our friends in Santa Barbara and did some surfing.
. . . and then we backpacked Yosemite for a few days.
Following all of this excitement, we had another slight turn of events:
We got two of our bikes stolen in San Francisco.
. . . oh and then Josh broke his toe surfing.
. . . but none of that really matters, because we got to do something I've been wanting to do for years.
We met Leonard Knight at Salvation Mountain. 
(Into the Wild, anyone?)
It was nothing short of magical.
Due to the fact that we were left with one bike and lots of backpacking gear and that we had to return the rental car in Phoenix, we were forced to get a U-Haul.
(As we loaded it, it started raining, after Phoenix had been rain free for two months, we weren't surprised one bit)

Glad I got to share my little story with y'all, you are more than welcome to come visit me anytime over here at my little corner of the blog world!


The is kind of the craziest story we have ever heard. Not sure we would have been able to keep going! Thanks for sharing your story with us Emily! 
Why did you start blogging? 
If you want to share your story email us at


  1. Great Story. I'm a California Native and I've never heard of Salvation Mountain. I want to visit it now. Glad your crazy incident didn't ruin your roadtrip.


  2. Oh golly: what a fantastic story (to tell in the years following! I bet it was a trying time as it was happening!) to share with us all! I love hearing why people started blogging- and seeing where their blogs have taken them!

  3. That Elk accident looks so scary! I'm glad you're okay. But it looks like the rest of your trip was amazing! I've always wanted to go to Havasupai falls. And Vegas :)

  4. hahaha this story is exactly why i started following emily's blog in the first place, i love it!
