
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Featured Blogger: Eat Live Make

Today we have Meg from Eat Live Make telling us why she blogs and what inspires her. Enjoy!

After encouragement from several friends, I started blogging in October of 2011. I really had no idea what I was stepping into, or what direction I wanted to go with this Eat.Live.Make. Honestly, I didn't even know people blogged! But have since found many wonderful friends and a beautiful community of people.
Coming into this venture, I knew several things. I knew that David (my hubby) and I lived a bit differently than a lot of folks. We always get asked questions about our lifestyle, our diet, things we create in our home and our beliefs. I have been excited and eager to share answers to those questions with all of you here.
 I've been dealt a lot of pain and disappointments over the past years and I wanted to share my story with others. I felt like this may be a way to offer encouragement and friendship and hope. I know when I've been at my worst, stories of hope and encouragement have been the things that have kept me going.
I also believe that the table is something communal and holy. There has always been so much transparency and beauty in welcoming people into your home and offering them food that has been cooked with your hands and heart. Some of my best and most cherished memories were made while gathering around the table with family, friends and strangers. Now that I have to eat gluten free and casien free, the table has become even more important to me. It has so much more meaning. Health, community and connection can be found in a meal around the table and no longer do I eat for fill. My blog documents how and what we eat around our table, and the health we find there.

I am inspired by nature (and learning how to live closer to it), people and beauty. I have learned that beauty can be found everywhere and in everything- even in the hardest times. I channel my inspiration in making our house a home, photography, creating art, sewing, cooking and writing. The hardest part is finding time for all of those things!

She also has some of the best gluten free/vegan recipes around. Thanks for stopping by Meghan! 


  1. I love hearing about her! I can't wait to get into her blog. xoxo

  2. This looks great! THank you guys for spotlighting me today:)

  3. i loved reading about her! going to visit her blog now. xx
