
Friday, July 13, 2012

a new journaling project

Harley and I are major advocates of journals, and that isn't a little-known fact. We have decided to start a weekly journal project/prompt to get us writing and thinking more deeply about certain things, and we're inviting everyone to join in.

We will post a prompt one day a week (Fridays) and then post our responses the following Monday, where we will have a place for link up your own. You can answer the prompts however you choose, whether it's freewriting form or something more methodical and thought through. Just write.

The first prompt is

Tell about "a first" in love (first love in general, first kiss, etc.).

Come back on Monday to link up.


  1. um i LOVE this. i am an obsessive journaler as well. i will be joining this party!

  2. This is such an exciting thing to do! LOVE it.

    Amanda at

  3. SUCH a good idea! Definitely joining in :)

  4. While I don't think I'll participate this time around, I love this project. So fun! Can't wait to see all the responses.

  5. What a great idea. Only problem--I want to answer now!
