
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Guest Post: Wishful Thinking

Today we have the lovely Michele visiting from Wishful Thinking. Per usual we have asked her why she started blogging and what inspires her. Enjoy!

As a sophomore, studying at one of the highest rated interior design programs in the country, I was sinking. I sat next to a 'friend' who loved to put me down. Without getting too much into it, she made me feel like I was a horrible designer. She crushed my confidence, which started to effect my grades.

At the end of the semester, each student had a mini meeting with our professor. My professor told me that she thought I was a great designer, but that I couldn't articulate well; she told me that my designs didn't speak for themselves and that I had to have the confidence to speak for them. Like every other student, I needed to explain my designs. With my self-esteem crumbling, I needed an outlet. I decided that I would start a design blog. I would share inspiring images and explain what I liked about them (those posts are long gone now). It stayed very hidden for a year - no comments. Then, my grades started to improve. I went from a B- to a B+. Then, for my junior and senior year, I received straight A's in studio.

The blog worked it's magic! I started to share more of myself with the blogging community - a peek into my life (graduation, first apartment, new puppy) my thrifted finds (85 cent J.Crew button ups) and everything in between. It was rewarding to find girls with similar interests to my own and now I use my blog as a way to share all my passions, not just design.

Now, I live outside Philadelphia with my boyfriend (Alex) and my puppy (Naleigh). I hit up flea markets, craft and eat a lot of mint chocolate chip ice cream on the weekends.
If we share any interests (hello, ice cream) head on over to my blog and say hi! Thanks, girls for having me! I hope everyone is having a splendid summer :)

Thanks Michele! We love asking everyone why they started blogging. Everyone has a reason. What is yours?
If you are interested in guest posting shoot us an email. We would love to have you.


  1. It's so crazy to think how much blogging has helped inspire so many of us! It is such a great outlet for all of us to explore our creativity and it's all ours!!! Great post! And Harley & Jane, I am happy to be following along now!
    Giveaway @ Because Shanna Said So

  2. What an interesting reason to start a blog! Glad it worked out so well for you! :)

  3. it's kind of a slap in the face to that rude "friend". i'm so happy it worked out for her!

  4. Aww, lovely! That's so inspiring! glad it worked out well in the end!

    I have always been an avid follower of blogs, so i wanted to start my own :) i love quotes and inspirational things, writing and photography so i just wanted to share things that i enjoy. i started it for my own enjoyment, and i adore it!
